Dr Suzy Beak
Keeping your information safe is very important. This policy is reviewed regularly and adheres to the guidelines outlined by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Data collection: In order to allow us to work collaboratively and safely together personal information including your/your child’s name, date of birth, address, email address, school and GP will be collected. As stated under the terms and conditions there may be occasions where I need to contact other health professionals if I am concerned about you or someone else coming to harm. Where possible you will be contacted beforehand.
Data storage: All personal data is stored for six months after sessions end. Clinical notes/reports are stored for six years post-treatment in line with guidelines provided by my professional indemnity insurance. All data is stored using Power Diary, a secure GDPR-compliant software for healthcare practices (https://www.powerdiary.com/uk/security/). Any documents sent via email will be password-protected. All handwritten notes are anonymised and shredded after each session.
No data is ever sold or shared with third parties.
Requesting your personal data: Under the Data Protection Act (2018), you have the right to request a copy of the personal information I hold about you. If you wish to request this information, please submit this in writing. You also have the right to ask that any inaccuracies in your personal data are corrected.
Concerns: If you have any concerns about how your data is stored or shared please contact me via email. You can also raise any concerns with the ICO directly on 0303 123 1113 (Monday – Friday 9am – 4.30pm).
Clinic location: Victoria Street, St Albans, AL1 3JJ.
Email me at drsuzybeak@gmail.com